Pharmaceutical Botany I (FAB201)

The course contains description on organ morphology of plant including leaf, stalk, root, flower, fruit, seed, homologeous organs of root-stalk-leaf, and plant habitus; application of morphological aspect on plant identification; plant anatomy including plant cell and tissue, stalk (Dicotyl-Monocotyl-Gymnospermae-Pteridophyta), root (Dicotyl-Monocotyl), leaf (Dicotyl-Monocotyl-Gymnospermae), rhizome, and flower.


Evert, Ray Franklin and Esau, Katherine (2006) Esau's Plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body - their structure, function and development Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey,

IGP Santa, Anatomi Tumbuhan, Diktat Kuliah, Laboratorium Botani Farmasi – Farmakognosi Fakultas Farmasi Unair.

Fahn A., 1992, Anatomi Tumbuhan, Edisi ke tiga, Gadjah Mada University Press.