Pharmacy Service I (FAI301)

PBL is a learning method that is active learning. In PBL lecturer acting as a tutor who serves as a facilitator who guides a number of individuals in the interactive learning activities independently in small groups. As trigger the process of learning to use a problem that occurs in everyday pharmacy services. Furthermore, students act as active processors of information, must be read, write, discuss and use this knowledge to solve problems. Students are actively involved in obtaining information and then analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating. Students are required mastery in: Definition / understanding of hepatic cirrhosis and its etiology / pathophysiology, complications of the disease, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, non-pharmacological therapy, pharmacological therapy, therapy and pharmaceutical care.


Ganong WF, 2012, Review of Medical Physiology, 18 ed., Prentice Hall International, Inc., USA

Neal MJ., 2011, Medical Pharmacology at Glance, 4 ed, Blackwell Publishing Comp, Oxford UK.

Dipiro JT et al., 2011, Pharmacotherapy, A Pathophysiologic Approach, 5th ed, McGraw Hill Companies Inc., USA.