
UNAIR FF Leaders Visit Freie Universität Berlin

Head of FF UNAIR at Freie Universität Berlin

This week, the leadership of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) left for Germany. Not without reason, this official trip is an effort to build a strong network at the international level.

On Monday, February 26 2024, the leaders of FF UNAIR, namely the Dean and Deputy Dean III, accompanied by the Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Science Doctoral Study Program and the Chair of the Student Affairs Commission visited Freie Universität Berlin. The visiting FF UNAIR team was warmly welcomed at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin.

At that time Prof. Burkhard Kleuser was very happy to receive the visiting FF UNAIR team. He and his research group team even presented their research results and created a knowledge sharing agenda.

During this visit, a strategic meeting agenda was also held with the Freie Universität Berlin. The discussion at the meeting was related to the student and staff mobility program which will be implemented in 2024. Not only that, on this occasion a Joint Symposium on Marine Medicine was also formulated. The symposium is an important agenda that will be implemented by FF UNAIR in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University and Freie Universität Berlin.

Through these collaboration plans, it is hoped that in the future the relationship between FF UNAIR and Freie Universität Berlin will become even closer. It is also hoped that this collaboration between two well-known universities will produce good output for the world of education.

Atmosphere during a meeting with the Freie Universität Berlin Team