
Professor from Cairo University Gives Lectures Related to Publications

Prof. Attia When Giving an Academic Lecture

Publication is very important for the academic community as a form of output from research and scientific thinking. By publishing their research, the academic community means taking an active role in the development of science for the benefit of the people. Based on this, a "Summit of Scholarly Achievement" was held. This activity was held with the aim of improving the abilities and skills of academics and researchers at Airlangga University in creating quality publications.

In order to support this activity, one of the Professors from Cairo University, Egypt, was invited. He is Prof. Ahmed Sherif Mohamed Hussien Attia who has also frequently collaborated with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR). He successfully gave a lecture or academic leture on January 10 2024. Through the Zoom Meeting platform, Prof. Attia, as he is familiarly known, delivered a lecture on the topic "Balancing Research, Writing, and Self-Care: Maintaining Productivity".

FF UNAIR of course also participated in this important activity. Two FF UNAIR lecturers, namely Mrs. apt. Gesnita Nugraheni, S.Farm., M.Sc. and Mrs. apt. Elida Zairina, S.Sc., MPH., PhD. attend this activity. Both of them will also provide information related to the knowledge gained in this activity to fellow lecturers at FF UNAIR. In this way, there will be an increase in the quality of publications within FF UNAIR.