
Not Just Visiting, Prof. David Sheehan Gives Scientific Journal Publication Workshop

Prof. David Sheehan Giving a Guest Lecture

Prof.'s visit agenda. David Sheehan at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) is still running today (16/2/2024). Previously, the first guest lecture entitled "Nanoparticle Opportunities for New Protein Drugs, Drug Targets, and Novel Antibacterials" which he spoke about was successful.

This morning the agenda shifted to a workshop related to scientific journal publications. Taking place in the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building Hall, the activity entitled "Publication Workshop: Improving Your Success in Academic Publication" ran for approximately 2 hours. The aim of holding this workshop was to provide insight and training to the FF UNAIR academic community to successfully publish their scientific journals.

At that time, Prof. David Sheehan did not forget to provide complete tips regarding how research manuscripts can be accepted and published by reputable international journals. Through this workshop, it received high attention from the FF UNAIR academic community. This is proven by the large number of participants who attended. It was recorded that more than 100 people attended this activity.

Remembering Prof. David Sheehan has successfully published hundreds of manuscripts and has a Scopus h-index score of 40. The participants did not want to miss the opportunity to dig deeper into his knowledge. During the question and answer session, participants began to ask several questions regarding publications and the obstacles they experienced.

This collaboration shows FF UNAIR's efforts to improve the quality of education through cooperation. This is in line with SDGs point 17.