
Universitas PGRI Madiun Benchmarking to FF UNAIR

Bencmarking PGRI Madiun University

Ranked first as the best Pharmacy Faculty in Indonesia, of course many universities want to know how the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University (FF UNAIR) can achieve that. That's why many universities visit FF UNAIR with the aim of benchmarking.

It turned out that Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) was also interested in visiting FF UNAIR. This university, which is located in the city of Madiun, also wants to develop itself through benchmarking. The UNIPMA visiting team who were willing to come all the way to FF UNAIR was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Dean I, Dr. apt. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Sc. At that time, the Heads and Secretaries of Study Programs within FF UNAIR were also present. Head of the UNIPMA Pharmacy Study Program, Dra. Arum Suproborini, M.Si. and his team were very happy to have been well received at FF UNAIR.

The activity which was carried out this afternoon (15/1/2024) in the courtroom of the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building went on smoothly for approximately 2 hours. On that occasion, the UNIPMA visiting team asked various questions regarding the curriculum and teaching carried out at FF UNAIR for both undergraduate and professional programs. The research group owned by FF UNAIR also did not escape their attention.

At that time the discussion session could be said to be relaxed and warm but still produced a lot of insight, especially for the visiting UNIPMA team. Don't forget to take a group photo at the end of the session. Both FF UNAIR and UNIPMA also gave each other souvenirs.